Print on Demand

Why create a print version?

Beside flowable eBook format we also convert to Fixed Layout format, which are popular format for eBooks today. And are used for books with complex designs, for e.g. Children books, nonfiction like cook book and text books, travel guides etc. Standard eBook format works very well for books having text and few graphics. However, when the focus lies more on to the images and its appearance, fixed layout eBooks is an ideal choice. As it contain enhancements that make them more interesting and interactive.

What is Print on Demand?

Traditionally, printing a book was a time-consuming and costly endeavor. Self-publishers had to invest a lot of money up front to print a big quantity of books, because it was too costly to print in small quantities. Then authors had to store or manage inventory, and worry about when to place the next print order. But Print on Demand is changing all of that!


Several leading eBook distributors now offer a Print on Demand service, to cater to the readers who still prefer printed books over eBooks. It’s exactly what it sounds like – they print your book only when it is needed. Printing is taken care of by the distributor, who only prints the number of books that have been ordered, and no more than that. As an author, all you need to supply to them is a correctly-formatted, print-ready file (usually a PDF). They keep it on hand, and print whenever a book order is placed.


Can Queek help me with Print on Demand?

Yes! Queek creates print-ready book files to be printed on demand with providers such as Amazon’s CreateSpace. A print-ready book file is similar to a fixed-layout eBook (link), in that it must be designed and then formatted page by page.


If your Queek eBook is already a fixed-layout eBook (link), we provide you with a print-ready file for a small extra fee ($49). Queek can also convert reflowable eBooks to a print-ready books for you; the price varies depending on the complexity of the book. We use industry-standard page composition software (such as InDesign) to be sure that your print book looks exactly like it would if a major publisher launched it. Except that by self-pubilshing through print on demand, you have complete control over your content and presentation, and you keep 100% of the royalties!

Queek will optimize your print book file for the Print on Demand distributor of your choice. If you want to talk about the options, please fill out the form on the right, or give us a call!

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